Stained White Blouse


Regret is the stained white blouse of innocence. And I know this because I’ve seen it discolor right before my very eyes. I’ve seen a child grow into a man as he learned of pain and sorrow through drooping eyes and death of love. His skin now wrinkles and his hair grays as the sorrow in his eyes are permanently imbedded there. And though he smiles from time to time, experiencing the true joy of a hardy laugh and a blue sky, he always falls asleep in his dreary gray, wooden, mold scented room with nostalgic thoughts in his head. Though he doesn’t cry; and I’d say what makes him a man is his acceptance of what he cannot change. I am a woman of old age and I envy this ability, as I often cry over lost time.

This stained white blouse is the regret of innocence. It was once a beautiful pure white garment. But over the years, as time helps to change many things, it has yellowed in the sun and wrinkled with the wind. The breeze still blows it easily, as it ripples on the clothesline; but it’s a bit more brown, from spills of hot cocoa and dried up tears. Bleach can only do so much for purifying a no longer innocent cloth. And over the years I have wondered and cringed and hoped that maybe someday, somehow there will be a way for me to go back in time to prevent and release the stains, and to once again wear a guiltless, irreproachable white cloth.

This man that I have seen grow, is not a sad man. But as my grandson, you can tell that he thinks and dreams of a life of possibility while physically being trapped in a world that is restricting on the heart and lungs. Our souls are very much alike. We understand the impossibility of possibility, and we can only control ourselves, though actions of others can still hurt us and push us down. But if there were a way for this stained white blouse and this regret of lost time and embarrassment to become a bloodless ivory sponge once again, it is in the hands of others. Accept us, and tell us we are perfect.

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Links to other good posts:

Self-Reliant Shoulders

The only person that can be relied on is yourself.


The way that I’ve been able to describe this to myself is as follows:

When you rely on someone, it is essentially the same thing as leaning on their shoulder or crying on their shoulder (whichever fits best in the circumstances of course).

When you rely on someone, there is a great chance that they will fail in supporting you, mostly because the majority of people have self-important personalities. By relying (leaning) on them, you give them the power to hold you up or let you fall.

By relying on yourself, the most trustworthy person you’ll ever know, you take the power in your hands. You have the sole responsibility of holding yourself up and taking the consequences when you fall.

On a tangent, it is not wrong to say that sometimes it is a decision between embracing the the heaviness or allowing that heaviness to crush you. It’s not always a bad thing to be crushed, it increases your stamina, but you’ll still feel it emotionally.

Back to the main idea though, I don’t think that relying on yourself is such a horrible strategy to get through life.

1. You won’t need to worry about how you are going to make it through on your own, because let’s face it, at some point in life we will have to deal with it on our own.
2. Self reliance hence allows yourself to be in control of your own life. (Cmon, don’t lie to yourself! At some point you’ve all leaned on someones shoulder and have gotten hurt because we put as much faith in them as we have in our own conscience).

I’ve recently been thinking about the idea of “it’s okay to lean on somebody. It’s okay to let go.” But I always find that “relying on somebody” has an underlying negative connotation. I could rely on someone and subject myself to their abuse of that power, or I can rely on myself and take responsibility for whatever happens.

That may just be why so many people rely on others; they’re afraid to take responsibility of their life, their actions, and ultimately their outcomes. Why are we so afraid? That’s the next question… though another thought for another time.

Constantly, many of us are facing these battles within ourselves and we rely on others to be there for us. Sometimes they’re there, and other times not so much. It’s great when they’re there, and when they’re not, we feel worthless.

Lately I’ve been relying on people more than usual, and I’ve noticed that I’ve changed. I used to be self-reliant, I had this confidence with me, I was in charge of myself and I could control the outcome (obviously to an extent).

But there is something about human nature that makes us want to rely on others. We want to feel important, and we want to feel that people care about us. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. We all want it, we just don’t all seem to get it, and I’ll attest to that; life isn’t fair, but I suppose that it’s a heaviness we need some sort of reliance to compensate for. And just maybe that is the only reason why we need to rely on ourself and others at any given time. But I will vouch for the confidence and power that one gains from being self reliant, and nothing that can make you’re life feel more balanced and sturdy.

Lean on another’s shoulder when you have to, but don’t forget that you have shoulders to0, and they’re stronger than you think they might be.

#StrongShoulders #SelfReliance #IAmStrong

True identity

I was thinking about how everyone tells me that I’m miserable and that I don’t really know what I want and that I’m not happy. but it occurred to me that they really don’t know what they’re talking about. I’m on a journey, and this journey is allowing me to find what makes me happy. Before, I was all caught up and locked inside of a box and I would complain and everyone told me to do what makes me happy but it’s a process and people couldn’t understand why wasn’t happy with what I had. but it wasn’t for me and what I found was that I really just needed to let go of everything that I’ve been doing, all the things that don’t make me happy I need to let go of. and now people are complaining because I’m not doing what they want me to do and I’m not who they thought I always was; except the person I was, was locked inside of a box and I’m much happier being free from the everyday habits that I picked up while I was inside of that box. I still don’t know what I want and I still don’t know what makes me happy but at least I know what I don’t like and what I don’t want. It just amazes me how people expect you to be a certain way because of the way that you grew up, even if that isn’t who you really are. They tell you to do what makes you happy but then they want you to be the you that they envisioned. Nobody knows me better than I know myself, and it really bugs me when people pretend they do or they really believe that they do and they don’t. Only I know myself and nobody else can find or tell me what makes me happy. The things that I’m into, what i like, and what I don’t like- that’s what makes me who I am. And when somebody tells me that something “just doesn’t seem like your style, that’s not really you” well it is me because I like it and I’m not going to be their version of myself because that’s not who I am. There is only one true version of myself and that is the one that I’ve created. Whether you or anybody else can see that, whether or not you like that version, it doesn’t matter if you do or you don’t, because I’m going to be that person anyway.

Nature | A-to-Z Day 14

leaves are falling, the grass in covered. for now they’re red and orange and yellow. The one good thing about new england weather, it that the leaves turn the death of spring into autumn and it’s the most beautiful sight. as you drive down a road in the middle of nowhere, the trees are colorful. There’s a certain light they bring off. kind of warm but cooling at the same time. Leaves are leaves and there’s not much else about them except for the fact that they have the potential to work together to create something beautiful, like everything else in the world. It’s just the drastic change every year that makes their beauty stick out. Breezy walks and sweatshirt weather. Just looking at it. It smells like air, it tastes like air, but it’s the sight that is the magnificant spectacle, it’s the only thing that matters. Not what is on the inside, but the outside! Eventually though, the falling leaves on the ground and on the trees will turn brown and crumpled, touching it will make it disintegrate. That’s when you rake them all away, and death sets in. Winter. The cold and bitter makes you miss the green, not the colors. the green. and when spring comes around once more, everything turns green and the leaves as well, it one of the most relieving and greatest things to see, the green, the getting warm. and those leaves would be nothing without the shade they provide and the color of summer that they contribute too, it’s hot, and the trees look like they’re sweating too. Maybe we do have something in common, but they need to be there, there’s something just not allowing their death. Then autumn returns and the beautiful reds and yellows and oranges return and its also the most beautiful sight to because we’ve all gotten so used to green, then we’ll get used to brown and winter again and then green. and it’s an endless cycle of beauty and nature and the wondrous things that a leave can do, not just to see, but your emotional state as well, the world changes as the leaves do. It makes you happy, sad , angry, etc. It’s amazing, not a single leaf, but the togetherness of every leaf that brings together and tears apart communities and your insides. it’s quite incredible that leaves can do all that just by changing the way they look. aside from the popluar belief that looks do not matter, leaves prove otherwise, and every year, every season change they prove it.

28 Life Lessons|Sometimes It’s a Bad Day


Sometimes i just wish i never existed because life is more painful than it is joyful. I annoy myself, I’m far too sensitive, and I just wish I could be happier overall. Many people say that happiness is a choice. But I think that’s only to a certain extent. I choose to be happy everyday.. but that doesn’t mean I am. Think about it this way: a slave might wake up one day and decide to live a happy life, but when the outside factors in, whippings and a harsh standard of living, you’re ability to live happy is lessened. Not that I’m trying to relate my life to being a slave, but it works in the same way. I wake up this morning and I decide that I want to be happy; it’s just dumb to think that the outside world won’t effect you, because it will. I’ll decide to have a good day, and then everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Sure it’s possible to withstand all that and still have a good day, but sometimes I am an overly sensitive person, I am far too critical of myself and it is granted that my day won’t work out the way I planned or the way I deemed it in the morning as a happy day; and though nothing happens the way you want, it’s still easy to be bothered by the fact that 99% of things go horribly wrong.

It’s all in perspective, you say? Well that is also true. And it’s also true that anybody who reads this will try to convince me verbally or non-verbally that the way to a happier life is changing my outlook.

It’s hard to learn a language when you get older, it’s hard to pick up an instrument, and it’s hard to change your ways as an adult…. so your attempt at convincing my state of mind otherwise is likely to fail.

The way I look at it is that yes, things are bound to wrong and we’re all susceptible to depression and sadness at one point or another. The fact that it happens to me more often than is normal for a human is just the way I am. I accept it as my life.

Don’t get me wrong, I am one-hundred and ten percent NOT the most negative person that exists, I’ve met plenty more who are worse than I. I definitely have many days in my life that are worth living and that are wonderful, I just tend to pay more attention to the bad scenarios.

You see, I am not suicidal, but I can understand why people are. The difference is that instead of undermining life and it’s purpose, I tend to find the comic irony in every awful circumstance.

At the end of the day though it gets serious, and I’ve learned something about life and why it is worth the next day. I’ve listed the most important things that I’ve learned about life. It won’t necessarily make you happy and fill your life with a blissful intensity, but it does bring some light on different ways to handle the hardships of everyday living

1. Don’t be embarrassed by little things.
2. That argument that you were so heated over isn’t actually that important, so don’t let it happen again.
3. You have feelings. Don’t be a whiner or a complainer, but don’t hesitate to be open with others.
4. Don’t be so humble that you forget about yourself.
5. Don’t let stupid things annoy you. It’s bound to happen though, so when it does, just focus on the fact that it probably wasn’t intended      to be the way you took it. And if it was, well then you deserve better.
6. Don’t be that person who complains but never tries to make it better.
7. Let go of the past. (This one might take time)
8. If someone hurts your feelings. Tell them, and tell them why because it won’t always be obvious. If they don’t know, then it’s all on you.
9. You’ll be prone to more happiness if you take more risks. It’s not whether it will work out or not, it’s just the sheer act of taking the risk.
10. Do what you love and be proud of it no matter what anyone may say or think about it. It makes you happy and it brings you something in life that nothing nor anyone else can.
11. If you go against the grain, it’ll just make your job difficult in the most unnecessary way.
12. Don’t think that you are perfect and that it’s everyone else. With that train of thought, it’s almost guaranteed that IT IS you.
13. You can never fully succeed. The best you can do is an outstanding, magnificent effort.
14. But don’t try too hard, you might fall off the horse before you’ve gotten on completely.
15. You can fight to stay alive and swim as best you can, or you can drown. (in that order specifically).
16. If you have nobody, you still have yourself.
17. That light at the end of the tunnel is farther away than you think, don’t get lazy.
18. Not everyone will like you. You’re a human so there will be people that dislike you. Get over it.
19. When you realize that you might be alone for the rest of your life…. and you’ve gotten to the stage where you are okay with it.. only then will the right person drop into your life, and maybe they were already in your life, you just weren’t ready yet.
20. You’re most definitely going to make mistakes, so own up to it. Don’t make excuses and don’t justify it.
21. When it comes to your “talent”, you’re only as good as everyone else perceives you.
22. Be not rude nor annoying nor in “their” faces if you can help it, but be persistent and proud.
23. Judging others only creates the judgement of yourself.
24. You’re only a better/higher status if it’s other people who put you on the pedestal.
25. Instead of trying to tell everyone who you are, prove it.
26. And prove it to yourself first, because the only way anyone will find you believable is if you have the confidence in yourself as a human being.
27. Tomorrows a surprise, and it might be a good one. There’s a 50/50 shot.
28. It’s all in how you handle it. Maybe it won’t be the best way at first, but eventually you’ll learn more about yourself and about the way you want to be and you’ll hopefully refine your tactics and it’ll just work better.


What are some life lessons you’ve learned?

Photo from:

Is The Glass Half Empty or Half Full?



Help! I think I’m the victim of impostor syndrome! I think I’m unsuccessful and and haven’t achieved much, and I also believe that I’m pretty worthless and that I probably won’t amount to anything. I’m naturally unlucky and my timing is always terrible!! I feel unintelligent to my peers and I try to come across smarter than I think I actually am.

So what shall I do about this.

Let’s make a list of all my flaws:

I’m overly critical of myself
I tend to give up on things easily
I’m a picky eater
I’m awkward
I hold back my feelings constantly
It’s difficult to make friend because of reasons #4 & 5
I’m perpetually negative
I constantly feel uncomfortable in my own skin (body image)
I find most things complicated
I’m stubborn
I have a one track mind
my confidence is fickle
I overthink everything
I’m realistic
I’m afraid of too many things

Now let’s make a brag list:

I got into one of the world’s best music schools
I’m generally a likable person
I’m humble (except for making this list 😉 )
I never lie
I do my best to be modest
The few friends I have are very good ones
I recognize that I am of decent shape and size and looks
I’ve been published
I pick things up quickly
I do not lack common sense
my confidence is fickle
I try my hardest
I write well
I’m realistic
I have a lot of goals

And the lists could continue to compete with each other.

It’s not just the successes in life but it’s also your personality as well. I notice that I focus more on the flaws list even though the brag list is equally as long. I’m conscious of the fact that I want to be perfect even though that’s impossible. I notice that others, when speaking towards my life and livelihood, are also equally distributed throughout the flaws and brag lists, all depending on their personalities.

Some look for the best in you and some look for the worst. Some see the glass half empty and some see the glass half full. I’m on the fence though. And yes, to all those teachers who told me that you have to be on one side or another, you can most definitely sit in the middle and have a balanced opinion.

I see the glass as half empty and half full, or vise versa. It’s all the same. For every bad equation drawn out in your life, there’s also a good one. So it’s empty and it’s full. But if you want to be technical, the “empty” half is full of air! It’s either weighted substance, or light-heartedness, so if you look at it that way, you “half empty” people might be getting the best of it! Like Schrodingers Cat experiment, it doesn’t matter whether it’s dead or alive because there’s more than one answer! It’s not about whether it’s empty or full, it’s about what you focus on and what you see, and that all has to do with the type of personality you have. But at the end of the day, sometimes all we need is to know that we’re worth something to somebody and that we aren’t wasting our time. Just a little confidence boost!

Writing For a Cause|Alleviating The “Me First” Mentality.


While everyone sat around taking selfies today, two people died.

Lt. Ed Walth, 43, married and the father of three children all under the age of ten.

Firefighter, Mike Kennedy, 33, Marine Corps veteran.

They were both Boston firefighters. They died trapped in the basement of a 9-alarm fire helping people to get out. Walsh was found near the stairs, and Kennedy was pulled out alive but died later at Massachusetts General Hospital.

You might think, well people die, it happens all the time, Firefighters risk their lives for others.

So what makes them so important? They have families. Think about it. What is it like to be the spouse and to receive that phone call? How are the kids going to feel when they find out that their father died. Even it is a good cause, it won’t stop the feeling of “I just saw him/her this morning and now they’re gone, it didn’t have to be this way.”

What I find interesting about emergencies in a city, is that you get to watch everyone else go about their day as if it isn’t happening. But it is happening. And it amazes me how little people care. They say, “oh that’s too bad” when they see it on the news, but never think about how it would feel to be there in person. So many people seem to think they’re invincible, the cliche “it could never happen to me” is true. Maybe not to that exact extent but we’re all so caught up in our own lives and what we’re going to be doing a year from now, that we only remember that we’re human and horrible things can happen when they actually do happen.

It’s easy to be emotionally distant when you’re not physically there. But next time your taking a selfie or shopping for nothing important or taking part in guilty pleasures, remember that it’s not a crime to to so, but think about what it would be like to have that all taken away, think about the person who’s dying, who’s gotten in an accident or any other scenario that could happen, and hope that they and their families and friends are doing okay and able to make it through. Because next time it could just as well be you.

There’s so much selfishness in society, so take a moment and think about someone else that has no part in your life whatsoever, you don’t even have to know them.

Writing for a better cause. Alleviating the “me first” mentality. Comment what you think is a good cause.!ByaUQ

Writerly Life



Books and Writing! The one thing people tend to dislike the most. However, being read to and writing for nothing my whole life has seemed to cause a love affair.

Madeline, 10,000 times. Sarah Dessen will always be amazing. Ayn Rand’s writings are a muse of mine. And I’m perpetually a teenager by reading teen novels. I like a good book no matter where they’re from.

Then there’s writing. I started writing song lyrics when I was 5, granted they weren’t anything presentable but it was a start. It got my foot in the door of poetry.

Writing short stories and essays has always been a strong point for me, I never did it just to write when I was younger, I did it for fun. Just now am I taking it on as a serious potential career.

It feels good to write. I’m an introvert, so it’s almost like having a conversation with somebody, it’s fun.

In the past I wouldn’t show anybody anything, but I realize now that your work is only as good as everyone else thinks it to be.

Poetry is easiest for me, but I’d rather take the challenge and write fiction.

I write for myself but I also have aspirations of something more. I’ve been published already in a book of collective poetry, but I’d like to write novels. I’d like to attend school for creative writing. It’d be amazing!

Why do I write? Well that’s a question anyone can answer. I like it. Why do I like it? Well why do you like candy, why do you like cake? Because it tastes good.

What keeps me writing? Well I don’t know. Like I said I like it. I have ideas that I believe are worth sharing, so I share them.

I’m in school for music. That’s another profession that can be tricky. Basically, the main rule I go about for anything I pursue is, “be humble. Talent is god-given, fame is man-given.” But most of all, “do it for yourself before you do it for anyone else.”

Girl Scout Campfire

Mmm I’d like to linger
mmm a little longer
mmm a little longer with you
mmm it’s such a perfect night
mmm it doesn’t seem quite right
mmm that it should be my last with you
mmm and come september
mmm i will remember
mmm the days i spent with you
mmm and as the years go by
mmm i’ll think of you and sigh
mmm this is goodnight and not goodbye
Oh the wonderful camping days huh?
We’d sing that every year, and do you want to know something? Every single time that was sung will girls I’ve only known for 2 weeks, was probably the most emotional song I’ve sung with people. Because it meant something. But as the years go by, psht! I don’t really remember them, I just remember having fun and making friends for the two weeks. We’d make plans to go the same time the following year, but cell phones didn’t really work back then, no seven-year old had an email and it was just the simple promise we had to go on. 
And I was probably the only one who stuck to those promises. Every year I’d go when promised and nobody ever showed from the previous year. But I continued to make friends and promises for the coming years until I learned to just go and have fun, until I became too old to have fun their. 
It’s funny how you make such close friends in just a couple of weeks. Just think if social media and contacting were appropriate for that age group, how many good friendships us children would’ve held onto throughout the years, who knows what it could’ve become. 
Lingering in those campfire moments are probably the ones you’ll want to linger in forever. But the sad truth to life is that we can’t linger in good moments because you have a life to live. As a matter of fact, you wouldn’t really appreciate the good ones if you didn’t have the rest of it to deal with. Lingering moments will come and go though, and you’ll want to live forever in each one. But if you could do that, you wouldn’t be able to to reach the next moment. They’re the times that’ll make you want to cry in happy/sadness, but it’s the best feeling you’ll ever feel!
Daily posts:

Live and Let Live.

I work my best under inspiration. I have to be inspired to create something worthwhile. Being under pressure can definitely sometimes be an inspiration. Thinking about the stress will always demotivate me. The way to go about things is to just do it and not think about it too much, that really goes for everything. Especially since I overthink most things, I really have to train myself to just get things done, worry about the outcome when it happens and just live and let live.


Some other great posts!!